i was a mechmat student in mid sixties now living in israel...
24.01.2003Борис Темный (выпускник мехмата)
i was a mechmat student in mid sixties now living in israel. desperately searching for a complete text of Evgeny Neglinkin. i found some paper and internet publications, but all aof them lack (at least per my memories). may be you, being a FMS-18 graduate can help me by pointing to a reliable source? for instance, i definitely remember that in the text in my memories appears "SHERSHEVSKY - UDALOI SPORTSMEN" - i beleive this is the same Shershevsky who taught in your school (before your time). i even think that i know (remember) who was(were) "Neglinkin" authors. "Neglinkin" was published in our mechmat "KIMBERLIT" (edited by isak aronovich wainshtein, he was a math-docent in the mid 60ies), it was referred to as published by "MECHMAT NA PARNASE" and wrote by "ALLEON TRUSHTE", which was interpreted as a compaund abbreviation of "alexandr(alex/aleksei?) trudler" and "leon (leonid) shtein". it will be nice to get some info on this. anyhow, my apologies for this kind of intrusion (NAGLOST'). best regards. boris tiomny.